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Welcome Concerned Knightsbridge Owners

Are you aware that the trustees will be asking for nearly a TWO MILLION RAND SPECIAL LEVY for "essential" maintenance? Most of the items with this maintenance programme are not emergency items; rather they are items that should be "planned for" maintenance and incorporated into the yearly budgets and planned for in advance.

If you feel strongly, as we do, that three (3) people, which is the quorum of the trustees, should not have the power to commit the rest of the owners to huge financial debt or to expensive legal entanglements, please email your support to owners@concernedknightsbridgeowners.info and vote in favour of the following motions, directives and restrictions for the trustees at the AGM.  

 The Concerned Knightsbridge Owners

The Sectional Title Act requires that all executive functions and powers of a Body Corporate are performed by the trustees. This does not mean they are the highest authority. They are elected by the owners and may be dismissed by the owners. They must heed the instructions and limitations imposed by owners and all their actions are subject to the Act and the Rules.

Too often the Trustees and the Managing Agent control the flow of information and restrict access to effective management at Knightsbridge Mansions. During the last year, owners were not informed of trustee meetings even though by Sectional Title Law we are allowed to attend all meetings and to ask questions.  This secretive, non-involvement of owners in issues that affect our lives can no longer continue.  Please join us and give your support at owners@concernedknightsbridgeowners.info so we can continue this dialogue and take back control of  the building, putting it back into the hands of the owners where it belongs!

Knightsbridge Mansions

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