To be voted on at the AGM
1. All owners have the right to be given notice of trustees’ meetings with the agenda, unless they have waived
this right. The notification, with the proposed agenda, should be sent to all owners of record via email and be posted on
each floor of the building by the lift, three days prior to the Trustee Meeting. Approved Minutes of Trustee Meetings can
be sent to any owner via email upon request.
2. The Trustees cannot raise a special levy
or enter into contracts for major renovation projects over R100,000 without first
convening a special general meeting and allowing the owners to give them a direction in this regard. Such a direction would,
in terms of section 39(1) of the Act, bind the trustees and they could not reject it.
3. The Trustees must arrange for changes with bank
signatures for signing power on the bank account within two weeks after the election at the AGM.
4. The Trustees must always retain the approval
of at least one Trustee for payments from the bank account and not give the sole and final authority to a Managing Agent and
his or her spouse.
5. Trustees cannot enter into Arbitration or a High Court application without
first convening a special general meeting and allowing the owners to give them a direction in this regard. Such a direction
would, in terms of section 39(1) of the Act, bind the trustees and they could not reject it.
6. Trustee must follow the Sectional Title Act
to convene the AGM within four months of the beginning of the budgeted year.